Get Counted Burleith
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Download the PDF. Visit the 2020 Census and the DC Census websites for more information.
Every 10 years, the US Constitution requires the federal government to count all persons living in the US. On April 1, 2020, all DC residents will have three ways to respond to the census: online, by phone, or by mail. Check out the timeline here.
Data from the US Census directly determines the pathway of Federal funding, impacting schools, businesses, transportation, infrastructure, healthcare, and overall social equity in the District. The more accurate the data, the easier it is to ensure that we are meeting our community’s needs. When data is inaccurate, we miss out on billions of Federal dollars.
In 2010, DC was the second most undercounted city* in the nation, with the highest concentrations of undercounted folks living in Wards 1, 5, 7, and 8. The following groups have been historically undercounted (and underrepresented) in the District: low-income residents, foreign-born residents, renters in multi-unit buildings, children ages 0–5, and college students. (*City defined by a population of more than half a million residents.)
The District is committed to getting the highest response rate possible. Its engagement process is designed to ensure that all residents understand why the census matters and how to participate in the new online format.