President’s Message

By Eric Langenbacher,

We had a beautiful day yesterday for another Burleith Summer Picnic. It was wonderful to hear from Councilmember Brooke Pinto. The Rocklands BBQ was as delicious as ever, the band played great music, and a good time was had by all. 

I would like to take this opportunity to heartfully thank everyone who helped to make this happen—the members of the Board of the Burleith Citizens Association (and their family members), so many neighbors, and Georgetown University.

Above all, I am extremely grateful to our two picnic co-chairs, Melanie Gisler and Lenore Rubino, with the gracious support of Washington Fine Properties. They once again did yeoman’s work to pull this off, and the picnic was a smashing success.

Have a wonderful summer!

P.S. I hope you all like the welcome signs that we plan to install at four entrances to the neighborhood. We will be seriously fundraising for the rest of the year and probably into 2025. Please note that all donations are tax deductible through the Burleith Community Fund.