Truckload of Trash

A multi-generational crew turned out to spruce up burleith on a beautiful spring morning.

By Janice Sims

Thanks to the help of nearly 30 volunteers, the Burleith Citizens Association's semi-annual neighborhood clean-up on Saturday morning, June 4, was a huge success! Volunteers included enthusiastic neighbors of all ages, members of Georgetown University’s Office of Neighborhood Life, and MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. Special thanks to Lenore G. Rubino, Burleith neighbor and Realtor/Washington Fine Properties, who generously provided the BCA with multiple yard signs that the BCA plans to reuse for many years to come to announce the cleanup. Lenore also offered flower seed packets to volunteers.

GU Facilities collected several months’ worth of neighborhood flotsom and jetsom.

From 9 am until 11 am, volunteers filled many trash bags with litter collected along Burleith alleyways and streets. Bulk trash including couches, dressers, chairs, broken trash cans, lamps, and various appliances were also collected with the help of GU facilities trash trucks and hard-working crew. In fact, the bulk waste collected filled an entire trash truck! GU promises to collect the remaining bulk waste on Monday.

However, as always, if you see bulk waste that needs to be collected in the neighborhood that may have been missed during the clean-up, please contact 311 by phone or at the DC Gov website to request a pick-up.