Submit your message below, email the BCA at, or write to us at PO Box 32262, Calvert Station, 2336 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20007.

Stay informed and interact on social media with Facebook and X.

Add your voice to the website or to the Burleith Bell. The BCA invites Burleith residents to write articles of community interest for either communications vehicle. If you're a Burleith resident and would like to contribute an article to the Burleith Bell or for the website, please email for editorial and photo requirements—or to suggest story ideas. 

The BCA operates its listserv on To subscribe, email To post, email To unsubscribe, email

This moderated community and neighborhood exchange of locally relevant information and discussion has over 900 participants, including members and non-members of the BCA, residents and non-residents of Burleith, DC government entities, as well as local media, organizations, and corporations. Civility and common sense are expected. Personal attacks are not allowed. As appropriate, individual responses to authors of posts (as opposed to replies to the entire group) are encouraged.

  • Advertisements from commercial or for-profit entities are prohibited except for limited postings (as agreed to in advance) from businesses that regularly support Burleith through advertising and monetary/in-kind donations to BCA-sponsored events. If you would like to advertise in the Burleith Bell newsletter or on our website, please contact

  • Disseminating information about items to be given away or sold by the owner is acceptable as long as the poster is a Burleith resident.

  • Campaigning against or on behalf of a specific candidate is prohibited, although information about political events of a public interest is acceptable.

  • Other activities of potential interest may be posted at the discretion of the moderator. Please use your judgment in determining what is an acceptable posting. The BCA reserves the right to prohibit certain postings, and egregious postings will be removed by the moderator. The moderator will ban repeat violators from continued participation in this site.